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Wednesday, 19 September 2007


Since the day the horse arrived in Minden there has been nothing from either the federal or state governments in regard to this outbreak. The federal government let it in while they were at their cocktail party in Sydney and the Qld government had more pressing matters with the Mr Beatty’s going away party.

We were never informed either by any media as to the close nature of this infected horse. At no time do I blame the people who were unfortunate to have this land on their doorstep.

People have been suggesting that a buffer zone be set up in this area from day one. This had been falling on deaf ears. We have been basically waiting for it to arrive at our property. This is a high density area for horses. People were offering their property’s to bring all horses in the direct area to one spot so as if they were to be infected it would be all at the same time. May have been a wild idea but it was better than the government response which was nill.

It arrived and now we have seven sick horses. The Management at the DPI have no idea or any clue as to how to control this. It is gone it is simply blowing from property to property. It is close to 4 Kms from its original source in Minden. You work it out that is nearly 1 Km a week.
Since reporting this to the authorities we were then bombarded with telephone calls from the DPI whether we have any horses on our property. I said I have already reported our horses condition to which they replied that they were from a different department and were trying to find out what horses are in the area. Bit late when the disease has been in the area for three weeks. We had five different phone calls that day asking the same questions.

To put this in a personal frame it is a bit rich when your property is infected and people then begin treating you as if you are diseased. This is usually from somebody in the racing industry. Could not give a toss about racing. Find it amazing that it started from a large event down south and every horse when leaving turned east and north. Must be a big fence down there in Victoria or is it that big horse race that is coming up fast keeping it out.
To sum up I cannot believe that all governments have bought possibly the third largest industry in Australia to its knees when crowing about a record surplus in the bank.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree about the big fence in Victoria. Funny how everything except horse racing in Victoria is cancelled eg Equitana. Equitana is one week after the Melbourne cup however the cup is not cancelled. I do not believe that if a horse was found in Victoria with EI that the VRC and DPI Victoria would let anyone know until after the race.

20 September 2007 at 2:04 pm  

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