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Friday, 19 October 2007

Call for Gunnedah horse owners to contact DPI

19 Oct 2007
Horse owners with horses in the Gunnedah district are urged to contact the NSW Department of Primary Industries to find out if their horses are eligible for equine influenza vaccination.

“Vaccination teams have been having difficulty in contacting some eligible horse owners in the buffer area surrounding Gunnedah,” said NSW deputy chief veterinary officer, Ian Roth.

“We have been trying to arrange vaccination, however we have had little success in contacting some horse owners.

“These people may be out working on the farm during the day, or at work in town.

“The quickest way to get on with the vaccinations is for people who have horses within a radius of approximately 20 kilometres around Gunnedah to call us.

“We can then tell them whether their horses will be vaccinated and make arrangements for a vaccination team to visit.”
Horse owners can call the Gunnedah Local Vaccination Centre between 8.30am and 7.00pm on any of the following numbers:
6741 8313
6741 8314
6741 8315
6741 8316
6741 8317


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