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Wednesday, 31 October 2007


I am shocked to hear the lastest news that racehorses will be allowed movement shortly to attend trackwork. Very strange DPI Qld decision considering today they made the following comment on their website - QUOTE: "The situation as it stands is that there are 1896 properties infected with equine influenza in Queensland, this is an increase of 61 since 27/10/07. It's important to maintain decontamination procedures and remain vigilant.

Enough is enough. How can they demand from people to remain "vigilant and maintain decontamination" then on the other hand allow racing horses to move around. I thought the DPI advised owners that even if their horses were lucky enough to get vaccinated, they could still be carriers of the disease. The DPI advised that the vaccine actually prevents horse owners from seeing the symptoms.

If one horse can move, then all horses should more. I didn't think the virus was so smart that as it flies around in the wind it can see a horse and only stop and land on the horses that are not registered racing thoroughbreds.

This whole situation has been a joke since it started. I will be showing how I a non thoroughbred owner can have my say at voting time. Good Bye John Howard.

As for the Melbourne Cup, well I used to love watching it and joining in the fun. This year I have decided that I will not place a bet, not at the TAB or in my Workplace Cup Sweeps. I only have a small bet each year but this year they will get none of my money at all. I will save it for the coming months when the government announces DPI registration fees and all owners to have compulsory vaccines at the owners expense on a yearly basis. This is just a matter of time now and will be felt by all horse owners Australia Wide.

The one bet I will place is the one that states that an annoucement will be made within days after the Cup has been run saying that EI is out of control or in other states such as Victoria.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

off course the Qld DPI is NOT serious about stopping EI. they try and tell you that they are following the national guidlines as layed down by the Ausvet plan and reality it is the race horse industry who is running the show.
If the Qld DPI where serious about trying stop EI they would not be undertaking addhock vaccinations and they would have had the guts to make decisions when all this started at Warwick instead of leaving it to the organizers of the event to stop movement. In short those at the top of the DPI food chain wouldn't have a clue

31 October 2007 at 9:01 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

many of the people who work for the dpi don't have a clue about horses, much like we would about other animals.
how will victoria look if they do say yes we've got ei just after the cup??!!!! bit funny, they've been raving about not having it, and are lucky. but with the q's being asked, a few weeks back it makes you wonder, alot of people will deserve to go to jail abotu keeping quite.
when i first heard abotu ei the media kept on about theracing and how it would affect them.
i've not placed any bets this season and won't be doing any on cup day.
i hope we get this all moving in the right direction, and get going soon

31 October 2007 at 12:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jasper and Louise I am with you I am not betting on the Melbourne cup but saving my pennys for when I either one have to pay for vaccination or two pay for a vet to help my horse get over EI when it gets here.

31 October 2007 at 5:05 pm  

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