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Monday, 22 October 2007

Federal Minister is Peter McGauren, not McDonald !!

Sorry Diane,

You have your ministers mixed up. Ian McDonald is the NSW Minister for Agriculture. Peter McGuaren is the Federal Minister. Whilst I'm not interested in the Melbourne Cup, I really can't see the problem for letting Leica Falcon compete. Victoria have relaxed their stance and are looking at letting horses from the green zones enter in 2 weeks anyway. He's not been near infected horses, he's literally just over that "magical border line", so not like he's in the middle of Randwick Racecourse.

Remember that shuttle stallions that were dropped off in Melbourne just before the ones that "had EI" got off in Sydney- so they shared the same airplane. I think they'd pose more risk than Leica Falcon, as could anyone of the overseas starters as they are all vaccinated too. Don't forget, Melbourne will have and influx of punters from many of the hot spots in NSW and QLD too. Food for thought.



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