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Monday, 29 October 2007

A few questions for the AHIC

A couple of questions for the Horse Council, perhaps Rod Hoare could post the answers here for all to see as this seems to be a popular point of reading what is going on with EI.

To date, what has been the response to the AHIC Survey in regard to supporting the eradication program?

How many people have responded to the survey?

Will we get to see a break down of the results, state by state?

(The survey I refer to is this one http://www.surveymaster.com/AHIC/Q3.asp )

Having read the AUSVETPLAN, cover to cover, can you please tell me what the dollar value is of the 'agreed limit', or point me to where this agreed limit has been published.

As horse owners that are going to be expected to pickup 80% of the cost of this eradication plan, under the 'Cost Sharing Agreement', I believe we as horse owners deserve to know what this agreed limit is in dollars!!

Look forward to your response
Thank you

Cindy M
SE Qld


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Knowing how the whole EI thing has been handled by all levels of government they will proberbly try a recoup all of there costs from us non racing horse owners (even though it has been a stuff up at quarantine)and they will try and charge us what ever they want

29 October 2007 at 11:33 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From the AHIC
The interim results for the AHIC survey are at http://www.horsecouncil.org.au/_upload/files/Survey%20Oct%2029%20Interim%20Summary.pdf

With reference to the "agreed limit" please read http://www.horsecouncil.org.au/content.asp?z=10&c=112&p=205&x=2&id=225

8 November 2007 at 4:27 pm  

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