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Wednesday, 17 October 2007

Hi all!

What’s going on people?? I’ve been reading the blog on my lunch breaks and the majority of the read is just to be critical of someone or anyone.

I, personally, get annoyed at those who bag the race horse people (I being a trainer myself!) and inferring that we treat them like a “market” or whatever other lovely adjective they can come up with. Might I remind you, we (the majority) are horse lovers and whilst I think it stinks that not ALL horses can be vaccinated (and yes, mine have been) it appears that what is available is going to those who keep a portion of the economy going (be it the race horse). Unfair? Hell yeah, but it’s the way it is all the same. Tell me, all of those that are complaining because they don’t get the vaccine, would you still complain if you WERE one of the few given the vaccine?? I’m guessing no, so why condemn us? Do you seriously think we are going to knock it back??

I might also add that not all of us are racing. I have been in lockdown, with the rest of the horse population since 25th of August and my horses were racing at the time, they are now enjoying a holiday, getting fat and having a great ol’ time! I can only speak for Brisbane but it was only on course horses that were racing when they were allowed to and NOT the rest of us that agist or have the luxury of our own places. I still can’t drive out my front driveway! I, fortunately, don’t solely earn a living from racing horses, it’s just my passion, however I do work 2 jobs so I can achieve my dream of training that elusive “champion”, like all the others out there from the dressage competitors to the jumpers to the pony club kids that are striving to win their first ribbon.

The DPI and the Racing Industry are being slaughtered by most out there. Do any of those critics have any idea of how to fix this problem? Do they have anything positive to offer?? I feel for those who have sick horses and those who have been unfortunate to loose them, it is absolutely tragic, but it’s a crap card we have been dealt and finger pointing and blaming is not the answer, it will not fix the problem.

Good luck to all, I hope we find a solution and a light at the end of a very dark tunnel, and all those that have not had their vaccinations will do soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree.

It is distressing for a lot of people, but I guess a person true character is only revealed under pressure.

Some people’s behaviour during this crisis is nothing short of appalling.

The true heroes out there are helping their neighbours, doing the best they can on their own places and promoting unity in the horse communities.

17 October 2007 at 8:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Absolutely agree.

It is distressing for a lot of people, but I guess a person true character is only revealed under pressure.

Some people’s behaviour during this crisis is nothing short of appalling.

The true heroes out there are helping their neighbours, doing the best they can on their own places and promoting unity in the horse communities.

17 October 2007 at 8:38 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good article

17 October 2007 at 10:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree most woulddn't knock the vaccine in fact our vet said we may be lucky to get some soon people are condeming the thoroughbred industry for bringing this here but in fact it could have been anyone of us who has imported horses in the past we have had horses in from the states i would have hated it to have been my horses that brought it the problem is with quarintine not with any individual

18 October 2007 at 6:30 am  

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