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Friday, 19 October 2007

Reply to Victoria re EFA membership

Victoria you are "floggong a dead horse" so to speak . Many horse owners have been there done that as far as EFA membership goes. There is so much ill will towards the EFA that in my opinion it will never become the united voice of the horse industry that we all so much crave.

You only need to look at some of the responses from current members to see the degree of dissatisfaction with the way they operate. They have a reputation for being keen to extract as much money as possible from registrations and fees .

Lets just say I have 2 horses and riders that ride hacks on the show circuit and I want to register them with the EFA in Qld.

Senior rider shows registration $130 x2 = $260 per annum plus $40 application X 2 = $80

Horse registration $125 X 2 = $250

Performance card $16.50 X 2 = $33.00

So the cost for us to join , register 2 horses and have 2 performance cards is $623.00

I rest my case !



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