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Thursday, 1 November 2007

Another side to Post EI

I just spotted a post on another forum which brings up something I certainly havent thought of.
considering there are some 50 or 60,000 horses that have had EI without vaccinations this is another hidden cost we are not being warned about


I have been advised by our Local DPI vet, not all horses that have had
EI have to be cleared by a blood test eg, we have 9 horses on our place
we only have to have blood tested 3 (at our expense), to be cleared and
our quarantine to be lifted. Our vet advised us to blood test the
horses we would compete.

My understanding is there is no record kept by the DPI regarding a
particular horse (Breed, Reg Number/name, Mare/Gelding/Stallion or age)
that have contacted EI only numbers of horses. Horses that have
suffered EI will not be microchipped once again only the vaccinated
horses will be recorded.

I was wondering if the NSWERA and/or AERA would agree to have our
currenty log books endorsed by the vet that our horses that have
suffered from EI are now clear.

NSW ERA member

my understanding is no horse can be moved without proof of having either been infected and recovered or vaccinated for many months.

what is the prospects for all those without the chip?



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