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Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Horses purchased at Christmas Sale may have to serve a period of quarantine here at Newmarket before their release

  • If your purchase is being sent to a property in the Purple Zone there are no restrictions on movement and no permit is required.

  • If your purchase is a resolved horse (had EI and recovered) and you wish to travel it to a destination in the Green, Amber or Red Zones then the horse must serve three days quarantine here at Newmarket ($15 per day charge) and it will be released on Monday morning 10 December. From Newmarket it must travel under permit from DPI and complete a further three days of quarantine at its destination point. (Please see DPI staff for quarantine information at destination properties).

  • If your purchase is a vaccinated horse that has not had EI then the period of quarantine to be served at Newmarket is 14 days with release on Friday 15 December 2007. on day ten of this period a PCR (nasal swab) will be performed. The horse must travel under DPI permit to its destination where it must undergo a further seven days of quarantine.


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