Twisted Media Release from the NSW DPI
Sixty-six NSW horses will cross the Murray River into Victoria later today, 114 days after equine influenza (EI) was detected at stables in Sydney’s Centennial Park, Minister for Primary Industries, Ian Macdonald, said today."
Sounds to me like NSW DPI is running a propaganda campaign on behalf of AQIS.
I considered writing to the DPI and asking them to correct this but every email I've previously sent has been replied to with a generic "cut and paste" that never answers my specific questions.
For the record, per the transcripts of the Callinan Inquiry, the first positive tests were at AQIS on 20 August with suspected cases showing symptoms on the 17th. The Inquiry may unearth earlier cases that weren't detected by our premier biosecurity body.
Are we to expect more media releases form the DPI that play fast and loose with the facts ?
Claire T.
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