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Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Changes to the Purple Zone as of 14th January 2008

Events that involve the movement of horses: Events may be held provided all horses come from within the Purple Zone. Note: Horses may have been previously introduced from other, lower risk zones, prior to the event. However, the more stringent conditions will apply to these horses before they can be moved back out of the Purple Zone.
Riding schools: Riding schools may operate as usual as long as any horses brought in are from the Purple Zone only.
Re-introduction of movement restrictions in the purple zone in January
The next step of the recovery phase will be the reintroduction of movement restrictions in the purple zone in January. These restrictions will include a Travelling Horse Statement system and stricter requirements for events in the Purple zone.

This will enable the NSW DPI teams to commence lengthy surveillance and resolution testing in purple zone.

The dates that these restrictions will take place are as follows:

* Introduction of THS: 14 January
* Registration of events: 14 January
* Requirement for quarantining IPs: 14 January
* Requirement for immune horses to travel and the conditions for this: end January

Quarantined properties in Purple Zones

To prevent the continued spread of equine influenza to the remaining susceptible horses in the Purple Zone, all properties on which equine influenza is suspected or diagnosed after 14 January 2008 will be quarantined. Movement restrictions will apply to these properties. See "What happens if my property is quarantined" for details.


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