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Thursday, 10 January 2008

Case Investigations

The latest weekly report says it all really....

Case investigations

A report of possible infection in a horse in a racing stable in Cairns was a highlight of the holiday break. The private veterinarian in Cairns is to be commended for his work in reporting the matter to a slumbering holidaying Director. Communications were speedily restored to the current Director and LDCC swung into action. Laboratory staff at Yeerongpilly sacrificed their New Years eve celebrations and reported a negative PCR by 8.30 am on New Years day - definitely the first for 2008! While the clinical picture was equivocal a laboratory confirmation was essential. Considerable disruption to the northern racing program would have followed should a positive result been obtained. While vaccination of racing horses in northern centres has been progressing it is not yet completed.

Not a mention of how devastating it would be to the eradication plan, or the rest of the horse industry, JUST the disruption to the racing program!!

We wait to see what perfect little arrangements the Racing Industry are granted when the DPI converts the Amber to Green, will they then have 'Amber Compartments' in the green zone for racing just like they currently have 'Red Compartments' in the Amber Zone, TB's permitted to travel back and forth over the inner buffer on a day permit? Or will they hold off a few weeks and just turn the whole picture 'Green' to make it easier for the racing industry? Meanwhile the rest of the horse industry will be controlled by threats of lockdown in the event of an outbreak!!

Cindy M
SE Qld


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