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Monday, 21 January 2008

Gold star for the DPI

Been reading for many weeks everyone's complaints and miss information about the DPI's and thought I would set the record a little straighter.
We are on a TB stud deep in the red zone of Qld and over the last few weeks have had many dealings with QLD and NSW DPI's, one such incident regarding a brood mare of ours stuck in VIC. All of the necessary permits to travel through NSW and QLD to get her home were processed in less than 5 days, unfortunately due to a cockup at place of agistment, the wrong horse travelled on our permits to Qld. When I contacted NSW DPI and explained the situation they extended our permits immediately, as the original permit had become expired, Qld did the same.
Just this week we sold a horse to a NSW purple zone resident, Wednesday am we had conformation a truck could take the horse, leaving Thursday am, applications to both NSW and Qld DPI,s were faxed at 8 am with a follow up phone call explaining the urgency and requesting special consideration both permits were back to us by 5.30 pm Wednesday. We can only say how much we appreciate there good service and understanding. Oh and I should mention these horses are warmbloods! I don't believe the TB industry is receiving special consideration from the DPI's, its just that they are a far more organised group.
David M


Blogger connemaranz said...

All the 'complaints' have come from NON racing persons. Maybe THAT is the difference. As far as bureaucracy is concerned a TB Stud is a RACING entity.

21 January 2008 at 9:23 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would add support to David M's positive blog at the very good service coming out of the DPI's in respect of Permits. Now I'm sure there's thousands of stories out there and perhaps not all are as good as this one.

I emailed a Multi-Movement Permit Application (as attachment) through to Qld DPI around 8.30am last Tuesday. By 10.30am, I had a call to clarify one of the properties by Lot Number vs address...excellent initiative. By 4.00pm I had another call from a senior assessor just seeking a reassurrance from me that the destination properties were same day visits...which of course they were and he was so informed. By 6.00pm ON THE SAME DAY the Permit was emailed back to me as an attachment.
I was absolutely delighted to say the least.

Here's what I learned...Email works. Be correct and accurate, write legibly and provide as much detail as you can. Show some ordinary garden variety common courtesy, and that's what you get back.



21 January 2008 at 11:13 am  

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