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Sunday, 6 January 2008

Re Movements in the purple zone

There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the change to the purple zone. I include the relevant paragraph from the NSW DPI Bulletin below. There are NO movement restrictions, but we are simply required to fill out a form when we move a horse.

Clarification on movement requirements in the Purple zone

Some media outlets apparently reported that ‘permit’ would be required for movements in the Purple Zone from 14 January. It might seem a fine point, but movements will require a travelling horse statement’ (THS) rather than a permit. While permits need approval by NSW DPI, a THS is available immediately on-line, and does not require any action by NSW DPI before it is valid. People in the Green Zone have been using the THS system since September. Information collected from your THS will provide a basis for tracing horses in case of a flare-up of EI. In addition, the information about horse movements is needed to support the case for progressing the Purple Zone towards freedom from EI.

People without computer access can call the EI Hotline who will fill out the form and fax back the completed THS.

Michelle Hasibar


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