James and flu vaccination
I have just read of the plight of james and his filly (14th Feb)and the adverse effects of the flu vaccine, james I really feel for you and the filly, I do not believe you are on your own with this I know of two in my area that have suffered the same.What does concern me is the fact that the authorities obiviously didnt take the time to really look into a vaccine (due diligence ) that was untested for the horses out here,and, was going to have side effects, and had not challenged the flu virus family (florida) and the strains of Ohio/03 and S/A03,florida family (the virus out here was Wiscosin/03 )as the killed vaccine had successfully done this and offered no side effects, and was available from day one and they knew this. (this vaccine was only one of many that were used in Sth Africa.) And to top this off Aust.animal health purchased Oct., 9th 44.000 doses of the killed vaccine, where did it go.I made some phone calls and it was confirmed by the manufacturer and the DPI that the doses went to priority horses and breeding stallions, 44.000 is a lot of horses, the public being told gmo only and then AHA,use the killed vaccine, how hypocritical (I dont think many racehorses stopped their stopped their training program for spring time did they). MY concern now they (DPI) have as good as said the flu has been erradicated,what now. As a breeder and competitor my horses have not had the flu or vaccinated, so,I would like as precaution vaccinate my horses before flu season gets here, the rest of the world vaccinate,to prevent, using vaccines of their choice, I asked the DPI if this was possible the answer= the vaccine is now the cost of $24 plus the vet so it is not only expensive but still not available, the permit expires 19th march, cant use the killed vaccine, so they told me it a matter of wait and see if it does break out again, if it does , they will be better equipped to cope with it. Is it not better to prevent now, particularly those horses that were not vaccinated (in buffer zones and green zones).I am now in the process of working with the member of parliament in my area to hopefully get Canberra to listen and give us as responsible horse owners a choice, if, vaccination does become mandoraty with the TBs, we should be able to vaccinate with a choice, is not this country democractic.
We should not become complacement. the FMD broke out last year in the U.K 1 week after erradication of the virus was announced.
What happens now to the horses that were in the green zone all the time and they have no papers of immunity of any kind, vaccination or by having the flu, do these horses now become restricted in the shows they can enter for, seems to me as so, also the sale of horses, immunity papers to go with the horse , if this is so again what happens to the horses that were never vaccinated because they were in the green zone, and the vaccine if you wished to, or were game enough to use the gmo , it wasn't available anyway.
Who gained the most out of all this, what a wonderful big field testing lab Australia is.
We should not become complacement. the FMD broke out last year in the U.K 1 week after erradication of the virus was announced.
What happens now to the horses that were in the green zone all the time and they have no papers of immunity of any kind, vaccination or by having the flu, do these horses now become restricted in the shows they can enter for, seems to me as so, also the sale of horses, immunity papers to go with the horse , if this is so again what happens to the horses that were never vaccinated because they were in the green zone, and the vaccine if you wished to, or were game enough to use the gmo , it wasn't available anyway.
Who gained the most out of all this, what a wonderful big field testing lab Australia is.
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