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Monday 25 February 2008

'McLeod's Daughters' attracts jillaroos to the bush

Australia's biggest cattle company says women are helping to overcome the skills shortage in the bush, with more females coming forward to work as jillaroos.
The Australian Agriculture Company has 24 cattle stations and two feedlots which run more than 500,000 cattle across Queensland and the Northern Territory.

Spokesman David Connelly says they have inducted more staff in Longreach this week and women are becoming an increasingly important part of what was traditionally a male domain.
"We've got all female mustering camps now and all female crews on our feedlots," he said.
"They're extremely efficient, they're very good on machinery, they care for the animals exceptionally well and they do a great job.
"I think they're just more empowered and want to join the excitement. They can see a succession plan, they can actually move on up through the business and get into an area of management."
Mr Connelly says the company has found young women care for animals and machinery exceptionally well.
"I've asked these young people and some of these young ladies tell me that McLeod's Daughters did it for them, surprisingly enough," he said.
"...They want to get out and do some of the exciting things that some of the young men have done and are doing and there's no reason they can't."


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