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Friday, 4 April 2008

Horse imports need independent auditor, inquiry hears

The equine influenza inquiry has heard an independent auditor should be appointed to oversee the importation of all horses into Australia.

The inquiry heard final submissions in Sydney today after final hearings into how the horse flu virus entered the country in August last year.
The virus brought horse racing to a halt and cost the equine industry more than $4 million a day at its peak.
In his final submission, the council assisting the inquiry Tony Meagher SC laid the blame for the outbreak on the Federal Government and the Australian Quarantine and Inspection service.
Mr Meagher told the hearing that an independent auditor should be put in place to oversee all aspects of horse importation.
The Commissioner, Ian Callinan, said it may be very difficult to restore public confidence in Australia's quarantine procedures.


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