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Saturday, 29 September 2007

Qld DPI 29/09/07

Saturday 29 September: There are currently 440 infected properties in Queensland. Equine Influenza is still contained to the Red Zone in the State's South East. Vaccination, as part of DPI&F program of containment and eradication starts today.

Better human hygiene needed to wipe out EI

The need for strict biosecurity around horses has been highlighted by poor human hygiene causing some of the spread of equine influenza (EI) to unexpected locations.

Biosecurity Queensland Chief Veterinary Officer Ron Glanville said strict biosecurity was essential for every person coming into contact with horses.

"The best advice is that people keep their horses isolated from any outside visitors and avoid visiting other properties with horses," he said.

"If contact with horses on more than one property is essential, then the person involved needs to follow simple personal hygiene guidelines."

People visiting other properties or venues with horses should shower, wash their hair, blow their noses and put on clean clothes and shoes before they enter a new site.

EI is easily destroyed by thorough cleaning and disinfection with household detergent, soap, bleach or citric acid.

On-farm biosecurity and disinfection information is available at the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries website


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