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Wednesday, 26 September 2007


I have copied this from an email doing the rounds to get us to make it known
how hard we are ALL doing it.!!!
To All Horse People,

Are you experiencing hardship due to Equine Influenza?

4BC Radio along with the Channel 7 News crew are conducting an outside
Morning Breakfast Show on Thursday 27th of SEPTEMBER.

We need your attendance to put your plight forward.

The Breakfast Show is from 6 - 9 am.

Meet in the car park. Please be there at 7 am. Look for sign Mr Ed!

The address is Karri Ave, Logan Central at Logan Gardens. From Wembley Rd
pass KMart shopping centre on L/H side, go under railway bridge and turn
left at first street, Jacaranda Ave, and then first right into Civic Pde
into car-park.

You can find this address on the site www.whereis.com

Signs will direct from car-park to broadcast. Free Breakfast supplied.

We all need to band together and act in a cordial manner. Remember the
hosts are not horsey people and probably are unaware of any other types of
horses other than thoroughbred race horses as per all media reports. We
need to get the message across that the results of EI have been devastating
to the pleasure horse people and we exist in thousands.
We need action now! Rudy Moeller is our spokesperson.

This is a great opportunity to air your plight - please don't miss it!

The Australian Performance Horse Magazine has been instrumental in
contacting 'Today Tonight' Channel 7, who in turn has contacted Rudy
Moeller, the spokesperson for this group.

A class action has been suggested and if you wish to go on a register please
email me on janine@prespub.com

Legal advice re class action is that it can't be commenced until details of
the 'official investigation' have been published.

Please forward this to as many people as you can so we can rally together.

Please contact Rudy on 07 55470 400 or rtpest@bigpond.net.au

Robyn McCosker another person to contact for more information is on 0431 740

Janine Leichsenring

Australian Performance Horse Magazine


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