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Friday, 28 September 2007

We Need More Press Coverage

Every day when I pick up the paper there is something in it relating to racing and how EI is affecting the industry. ONLY ONCE have I seen any sort of article relating to any other horse discipline. In the Courier Mail site on the article where our new Premier had a few words to say about EI and the racing industry, the comments were fairly split with some giving the racing industry a real serve for crying hard done by.

We need to get our side of the argument into the public arena. If we can achieve that well enough to get people talking about what in my opinion seems to be unbalanced, unethical and morally wrong treatment being dished out at present then just maybe some enterprising investigative reporter who isn't in love with one section of the industry might put together the facts for all to see.

I would love to see those making some of the decisions in this war against EI justify things like the difference in the cost per day of feeding and keeping an eventing horse v's a racehorse, justifying the distribution of vaccine, and while they are at it maybe they could tell us where we would be if this had been an outbreak of foot & mouth amongst the cattle industry and handled in this fashion. Maybe they could check out just why the thoroughbred industry appears to have so much clout when they comprise less than a third of our horse population. Oops temporary lapse there forgot they bet on them and of course they claim that as their industry too. Ah the good old dollar what a trump card beats ethics every time ! Now get busy write to your local paper tell them the facts see if they will publish the daily payments as prescribed, get them to ask some questions, point out what you feel is wrong and unjust, see if they can get some answers for you. Just get it out there for all to see and who knows what could happen it sure can't make things worse than they already appear to be ! While your at it check out the racing Qld webb site, They keep it up to date and there's some interesting reading in the following links. Racing Qld is doing some good things - like-

Did you know that $10 of each horses daily chap payments is reserved for preserving industry capacity and preventing loss of skills in areas such as, farriers, jockeys ,riders ,apprentices and other industry critical areas to be determined in consultation with the commonwealth government.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much emphasis has been put on the "poor" racing industry over the horse flu. Next to nothing has been told of the hardships and inconveniences of the rodeo, campdraft, cutting, western disciplins, pony club, eventing etc competitors/trainers/ breeders. Racing may bring in a lot of money to communities etc and the government. But these other disciplines do as well, to small towns (as well as raising money for charities). This is a vital time of year for those in various associations chasing "titles" in their fields. For many this has just been shattered. The beginnings of the new competition seasons is also now in jeapordy.
So just remember, the horse industry is so much more than just racing!

28 September 2007 at 12:49 pm  

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