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Thursday, 18 October 2007


I believe that what is getting most people riled is the failure of the State and Federal governments to implement the Ausvetplan and actively pursue eradication.

If eradication is the aim then the vaccination of the buffer zones should have first priority, then the red and purple zones.

Instead we see that the vast majority of vaccines have gone to the racehorse industry. Check the numbers; batches of 150,000 and 40,000 imported and DPI NSW advise that approx 3,000 buffer zone horses have been vaccinated but they were done after the racehorses. Are there really only 3,000 horses in the NSW buffer zone ?

Bear in mind that the NSW horse population is approximately 170,000 of which at least 40,000 are now infected with EI (nearly 24%).
Getting racehorses back on track has obvious importance for Government revenue but eradication cannot succeed if the Ausvetplan isn't implemented.

Yes, I would forgo a vaccination for my paddock basher if that meant the difference between the buffer zone succeeding or failing.

The media release " Australia has bought a further 500,000 doses of horse flu vaccine, bringing the total number to 750,000.Federal Agriculture Minister Peter McGauran said the extra doses meant a total of 300,000 horses could be vaccinated against equine influenza by the end of the year." has now been countered by this mornings Melbourne Herald Sun;""THE Australian thoroughbred industry and government departments have officially sanctioned and approved the vaccination of the entire thoroughbred population."

Where to from here as that would probably use all of those 500,000 vials?
The buck stops with Minister Peter McGauran as the Ausvetplan is a national initiative which overides State decisions and the decisions his Department are making do not appear to have eradication as the main objective.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here here , the thoroughbred racing industry has hijacked the Ausvet plan with no regard to anyone else and consequences of there actions to the rest of the horse population . They are purely driven by money with absolutely no thought and compassion towards others breds and owners. Like Earl says KARMA we can only hope it gets them.

18 October 2007 at 8:46 am  

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