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Tuesday, 30 October 2007


I have a question, there is a lot of talk about when we are allowed to compete again our horses will need to either have had EI or have been vacinated. Does this mean in the red & purple zone? Or does it also mean all horses in the amber & green zones need proof of either having had EI or have been Vaccinated. Is this just for 2008 or on going?

It is confussing trying to find out info, this blog seems to be best. If passports are needed we are never going to be able to enjoy our sport as it was ever again. What about our pony club kids, also our adult riders who compete locally, not for the competition but for the love of their horse & the social side & friendships made with like minded people. I have been involved in alot of different sports in my life & I have found people in horse sports to be a completely different breed. They are always eager to lend a hand when needed without being asked, a total stranger will stand by & offer moral support to someone in need,( new friendship made). I'm not sure why horse loving people are so different to other people.

If our sport changes due to restriction put on us due to the EI outbreak, & extra money involved in being able to compete, this will be a very sad out come for alot of special people.

Can anyone please give me some answers.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks like you really are confused LOL!!!!

30 October 2007 at 9:41 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't give you any answers, but the things you raised are the things that governments and politicians don't understand and there fore cant realise that this whole thing for the non horse racing community is just not about the welfare of our horses but our social life, freindships, and mates
The things take make us humans what we are

31 October 2007 at 7:26 am  

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