Eradication survey ??
Ok, not sure if I'm having another "blonde moment" here, or if other people are finding the last couple of questions ambiguous too.
Q3. Do you support the National program of eradication of Equine Influenza - Yes or No
Hmm, I would support a united program, where everyone was treated on an equal basis. I can't give a definite yes or no answer.
Q4. Do you agree with the providing of vaccine to unaffected areas of Australia if this means that eradication will not be achievable ? Yes or No
Ok having trouble here too. Why would the providing of vaccine to unaffected areas mean that eradication would not be achievable ? Again not a question that can be answered with a simple yes or no.
Q5. If given the choice, are you prepared to live with endemic Equine Influenza, with the horse owner meeting the costs of ongoing vaccination, treatment of sick horses & business disruption ? Yes or No
Here again, not a question that can be answered with a Yes or No answer. I doubt that we'll be given the choice. Most people seem to be resigning themselves to the fact that we will have to live with it. As for the horse owners meeting costs, well apart from vaccinations that are "currently free" (though I'm sure with the proposed levy we'll be picking up the tab for those too), horse owners are CURRENTLY paying for the privilege of having EI with paying for vet treatments and many businesses are suffering huge losses and disruption already. I'm sure though, if we have to live with it, just as they do in Europe we'll cope.
What I would like an ANSWER to is this:-
What provisions are being put in place right here, right now, to PREVENT this from happening again next year. The DPI say it's not their responsibility, it's a Federal decision. I really don't give a rats who's decision it is, but it needs to be done as a priority, especially if eradication is a possibility. I really don't feel like going through all this again next year, and I can just about guarantee every other horse owner out there feels the same.
Anyway, I don't want to have to live with EI, but nor do I want to remain in lock down with no idea of when we'll be free to move. I can't afford to keep paying agistment.
Q3. Do you support the National program of eradication of Equine Influenza - Yes or No
Hmm, I would support a united program, where everyone was treated on an equal basis. I can't give a definite yes or no answer.
Q4. Do you agree with the providing of vaccine to unaffected areas of Australia if this means that eradication will not be achievable ? Yes or No
Ok having trouble here too. Why would the providing of vaccine to unaffected areas mean that eradication would not be achievable ? Again not a question that can be answered with a simple yes or no.
Q5. If given the choice, are you prepared to live with endemic Equine Influenza, with the horse owner meeting the costs of ongoing vaccination, treatment of sick horses & business disruption ? Yes or No
Here again, not a question that can be answered with a Yes or No answer. I doubt that we'll be given the choice. Most people seem to be resigning themselves to the fact that we will have to live with it. As for the horse owners meeting costs, well apart from vaccinations that are "currently free" (though I'm sure with the proposed levy we'll be picking up the tab for those too), horse owners are CURRENTLY paying for the privilege of having EI with paying for vet treatments and many businesses are suffering huge losses and disruption already. I'm sure though, if we have to live with it, just as they do in Europe we'll cope.
What I would like an ANSWER to is this:-
What provisions are being put in place right here, right now, to PREVENT this from happening again next year. The DPI say it's not their responsibility, it's a Federal decision. I really don't give a rats who's decision it is, but it needs to be done as a priority, especially if eradication is a possibility. I really don't feel like going through all this again next year, and I can just about guarantee every other horse owner out there feels the same.
Anyway, I don't want to have to live with EI, but nor do I want to remain in lock down with no idea of when we'll be free to move. I can't afford to keep paying agistment.
you sweet innocent child!
(This Horse Industry Council is certainly putting the cat among the pigeons in its own small way!!)
In Britain the levy is a tax on horserace gambling. I guess here our government cant afford to part with any of its gambling revenue!
Well said, I had exactly the same response as you!!!
Yes not a good democratic survey. I thought if we are the 80% of the equestrain fraternity (racing 20%) and all answered no to at least last 2 questions hopefully (if we live in democratic society) we will not have to live with EI and it will make the ******** at the top think a little harder.
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