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Wednesday, 24 October 2007


This blog is in response to a few comments that I have seen posted toother blogs on this site.

It is about time we ALL rolled up our sleeves. There seems to be adisturbing attitude emerging that it is our RIGHT to be understood andour needs to be known by those in authority and with the ability to do something about it. Miraculously, they should just know what we need.

WAKE UP! The Lord helps those that help themselves. There is a greatdeal of work being done on our behalf and many of the individuals doing it are volunteers.

In Queensland a few weeks ago there were public meetings and a lot of noise being generated by people such as Peter Toft. Peter saw there was a problem and stood up to do something about it. He is now part of the crisis steering committee and is very busy along side the organizations that had already been working tirelessly on our behalf since the beginning of the EI outbreak, organizations such as the Queensland Horse Council and Equestrian Queensland. Might I add that the QHC has been working on biosecurity issues for many years, warning that this exact thing may happen, but no-one was listening!

Peter now appears silent too however I will bet my bottom dollar thathe's just got his head down and tail up like the others, working furiously on our behalf and I applaud individuals like Peter and Heath who are involved.

The general public appears to be whinging that nothing is being done, now I agree that there should be more communication about what is being done, however those that are doing it are few and quite frankly,exhausted. Many don't have financial backing, some are relying on the support of their employers to put up with the distractions and some are retirees. The non-DPI&F employees are volunteers, and quite frankly I think it is great that the DPI&F see fit to employ people from the industry.

Then when Liz Buchanan from Equestrian Queensland attempted to communicate what EQ are doing, she got shot down in flames by some selfish so-and-so saying actions speak louder than words! They can't win!

I am absolutely disgusted! We have no right to complain unless we are in there with our sleeves rolled up.

Our organizations are only as strong as their members. Financial membership is not enough, roll up your sleeves and be a part of the solution. Don't just sit back and be a part of the problem.

Each organization has a role and EQ, QPCA, QERA are all mostly focused on the sport and competition aspects of the industry. The Australian Horse Industry Council and it's associated state bodies are there to address the whole of industry issues, such as biosecurity, road safety,public awareness, horse welfare, insurance and access to public facilities (trails, parks etc) to name but a few.

If you think that not enough has been done, then you only have yourself
to blame.

Grrrrrrr, it makes me so mad!

Linda SE Qld


Anonymous Anonymous said...


24 October 2007 at 1:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you suggest we do to get involved. Yes we are members of different groups and yes when you pay membership fees you should be able expect a certain amount of representation on your behalf in return.
There is a lot of us who have remaind EI free thru correct Bio-security and following the correct guidlines, we tell who ever will listen to do the right thing , we try and contact those in the suposed know trying to get help/answers only to be given the political line hoping that we will accepted there B/S full well knowing most dont care. We all need to know what our future holds because at the moment the light at the end of the tunnell is a bloody great big train at full speed coming for us. If you have the answer please enlighten us all because we sure as hell dont

24 October 2007 at 1:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Being a member of an organisation is more than just paying your membership, it is turning up to the meetings of your organisations and becoming involved in what is going on.

When you participate you hear what is being done and God forbid, you can even volunteer your thoughts and your energy!

By all means, continue to do the things you are doing in your neighbourhoods, that's great but unless we're all pulling in the same direction, we're just going to tear ourselves apart.

Despite what you think there are a many people who do care, are working their tails off and I find it offensive that it is just self righteously written off as political BS.

No one has all the answers this is a very complex situation, but you obviously missed the point of the blog with your opening remark saying that you EXPECT a certain amount of representation on your behalf.

24 October 2007 at 2:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said, since this EI visited us, I have never heard so many "experts" voice their opinions. Yes, everyone is frustrated but is playing the blame game making the virus go away?? That would be a resounding NO!! Whilst the DPI etc may not have done everything "perfectly", they are having to deal with something that is totally forgien to this country and maybe just a "thank you" every now and again or an acknowledgment that they are doing something, would be nice.

24 October 2007 at 2:29 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well said. I am totally ashamed by certain members of the recreational(for lack of a better word) horse community. There are groups,like AHIC that have been working hard long before this outbreak to get fair representation for all and to encourage a united pro-active front for all horse owners. But the amount of abuse and unjust criticism I have seen directed (particularly on horse forums) at the individual's involved in groups like the AHIC since the start of this outbreak really astounds me.

25 October 2007 at 6:33 am  

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