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Thursday, 25 October 2007

Notice For Inter-Schools Competitors

Laura Decker, Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Due to the current EI situation within the state the ENIC committee and the EFA NSW has made the decision to postpone the 2008 NSW State Interschool Championships originally scheduled for 14th-17th February. We feel this is in the best interest for all the competitors and their horses to ensure that you all have enough time for your horses to recover (if they have had EI) and to hopefully get a few local comps under your belts before the Championships.

The new date will hopefully also erase some of the problems many of you have with getting everything organised with Christmas in the middle of everything!!

We are looking at a date towards the end of April however this is yet to be confirmed. As you can imagine there are a number of large scale competitions trying to reschedule during this time so we are trying to ensure that as many competitors are catered for as possible and avoid clashes with other events.

Entry forms will posted on the website as soon as they become available.
On another note, after unfortunately having to cancel the 2007 Australian Inter-School Championships, Queensland will be hosting the 2008 event and are currently looking at a September/early October date….much kinder weather!!

Thank you for your patience at this busy time, lets all look forward to a busy, hopefully EI free 2008!!

See you at the Champs.

Laura Decker
EFA NSW Inter-School Coordinator


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