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Tuesday, 2 October 2007

NSW horses from Morgan Park can't cross border

After just reading an article stating that even though the Warwick Lockdown has been lifted, horses from NSW can not cross the border yet to return home, i thought i'd give Blair Richardson a call to confirm what the latest situation is.
Blair arrived in Warwick last night hoping to be back home in NSW today but is still stuck in Warwick waiting for permits to come through to allow him and his horses to travel across the border.
He said there has been a lot of movement at 'Morgantown' today with trucks, floats, horses and people all leaving but along with him there are 38 horses from NSW that have to wait for permits to come through before they can go home. They can travel to the border but no further without a premit.
The frustrating part for Blair is that they applied for these permits 10 days ago and they had just received a fax asking for information that they had already initially supplied, Interestingly Blair commented that, shuttle stallions can leave Eastern Creek and travel through main towns and highways without a problem. The people at Warwick believe their horses, equipment and cars are the cleanest in Australia due to the decontamination processes they have all gone through and because they have all been infected, so they have 'been there done that' but the cars/trucks that are transporting the shuttle stallions haven't been through a decontamination process and didn't have to get checked when applying for a permit, says Blair. There just needs to be National Standards for the Equestrian Industry as a whole so we can get thru this.
Horse Deals will contact Blair with in the next couple of days to find out how he got on with obtaining a permit


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