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Friday, 12 October 2007

QHC Press Release - Recovery Plan for Horse Industry


2007Recovery Plan for Horse IndustryQueensland Horse Council

President, Dr Mark Hohenhaus today confirmedthe Council's commitment to all the State's horse owners, riders,carriage drivers and related equine organisations and businesses andasks all associated organisations to provide input into a newly formedsteering committee.

Dr Hohenhaus says, "This week Horse Council representatives attended aNon-Racing Industry Recovery Steering Committee to develop a three phaseequine industry model to address the hardships being faced by thegeneral horse industry in the State".

Another meeting has been called for early next week to progress therecovery model with non-racing horse people. Organisations areencouraged along with their members to participate and have ownership.

There is a shared desire to get the industry back on its feet."The non-racing sector contributes approximately $2.9 billion directlyto the Australian economy and it desperately needs assistance. Thismessage is finally hitting its mark and it was acknowledged in both ofthe high level meetings I attended today", says Dr Hohenhaus.Whilst the QHC is recognised as the peak industry body, representingindustry issues to Government, it has become apparent that more supportis needed. All industry associated organisations such as breedsocieties, riding clubs and associations, allied health care and otherservice provider organisations are asked to provide input into theSteering Committee and to inform the QHC of the specific issues theyface.

Since the Queensland Horse Council was established in 1986 it hasconsistently addressed problems affecting the horse industry. The workof the QHC is crucial to ensure that the voice of all industry membersis heard by Government.

The QHC has worked tirelessly to represent its members over many yearsin negotiations with Government on issues such as the public liabilityinsurance crisis and the State forest trails issue. The QHC is nowworking actively on the EI crisis.Visit the website at www.qldhorsecouncil.com, or emailinfo@qldhorsecouncil.com or mail Box 1110 UQ Gatton, GATTON QLD 4343 fordetails on becoming a member.


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