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Tuesday, 9 October 2007

Queensland DPI & F in damage mode

If you go on to the QLD DPI web site you will find articles appearing from the Australian Veterinary Association and Dr Ron Glanville head vet of the DPI here in  Queensland  now denying that the EI outbreak is out of control. This comes after the EI crisis meeting at Ipswich on the weekend where it was questioned if they actually had any idea of how many infected properties there where and that they had lost control of the EI out break. Like Dr Lovell said at the meeting it is like the Iraq Minister coming out saying they are winning the war as the Americans where driving thru Bagdad.

Dr Glanville please do not insult our intelligence  you may  think that you a dealing with people who do not know better, but I can assure you if you continue along this line it is going to come back and bite you once and for all.

Wake up to yourself Dr Glanville treat us horse owners with some respect and may then you will be treated the same.



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