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Monday, 22 October 2007

Staying Vigilant

Good morning,

I just wanted to post a quick reminder for everyone to stay vigilant, informed and to abide by the requirements put in place by the DPI. I had an experience this past weekend that should serve as a reminder to everyone to please stay informed with the correct information.

I live just outside Canberra in the Green Zone, but also right on the ACT boarder, and this past weekend while out in my garden I was very surprised to see three riders happily riding past my place. I knew that movement in the green zone was permitted with a travelling horse statement, but I have found that horse owners in my local area are still cautious about using the permits just for going on a Sunday ride. We are all just working horses on our own properties and doing our bit to lay low.

Concerned and realising they were not any of my close horsey neighbours, I rang the EI Hotline to check my information. The Hotline staff were very helpful and confirmed the information I had. I then hopped in my car drove down the road to find the riders and to ask if they did indeed have Travelling Horse Statements. They didn't so I advised that they need to complete these before moving horses within the green zone. At this point one of the riders insisted that that was not the case and that you only need to complete statements if you are floating horses. I indicated that that made no sense and advised that I had spoken with the EI Hotline prior to leaving my home. I was shocked when the response I received was that one of the riders worked for the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service so knew what the rules were and that the advice was not correct. Shocked further by that, I stated that I didn't want to get into an argument and said that I would report the incident. I did contact the local Police who were very good about it and were pleased I had checked if they had statements and when I found they didn't had reported it to the authorities. They then sent a patrol car out for a drive in the local area and handled it from there.

My point in all this is that it is a little scary that horse owners are either not staying informed or have incorrect information. I certainly don't want to be a "dobber", but at the same time it is people with misinformation that are going to cause this disease to spread further.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree!!! People don't seem to understand what is meant by MOVING of horses.

I know when the standstill first started and my husband was working in bungendore and he saw a lady working 2 horses down the main road in Elmslea estate. When he stoppped her and asked what she was doing and said that she shouldn't be moving the horses, her response was that moving meant putting them on a float. She keep on walking so he called the police.

23 October 2007 at 3:56 pm  

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