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Saturday 6 October 2007


I just want to post that I have been informed by the DPI that the vaccine isNOT suitable for High Risk horses like mine! I have been ranting and ravingto anyone who would listen ( and many who wouldn't or didn't want to) that I WANT vaccine for one of my horses. The gentleman from the DPI in QLd passed on a link about the vaccine and it says:Vaccination:
  • a.. provides significant immunity within 14 days of the first of twoinjections
  • b.. a booster dose after five months will provide protection for about oneyear in total
  • c.. can be used safely on foals, pregnant mares, lactating mares and olderhorses, but not on sick or high risk horses such as those that have hadsevere pneumonia.

I just wanted to let every one know that now that I am equipped with thefacts I will NOT be persuing vaccine for my horses! In fact I will becontinuing to be as bio security wise as I have been in the last 5 or soweeks and hope it is cleaned up before getting to me at Woodford.Good luck to all of you out there both financially and pysically.

Sharon, Woodford.


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