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Thursday, 1 November 2007

News from Tasmanian DPI


1. Permits will no longer be required for horse events. The key effect of this is that event organisers will not be required to have a vet onsite to check the health of horses entering the event site. The event organisers will still be expected to practise good biosecurity - in particular, good records of entrants' details and someone ( a vet or a steward or an event official) checking the horses for any signs of sickness on entry. I mightn't get the details on the website tonight. Event organisers are also encouraged to check with their insurers about any EI-related public liability issues.

2. The ban on interstate horses coming into Tasmania is being partially lifted. From 7 November, horses will be able to enter, under permit, from Victoria, WA, SA and the NT (ie the non-infected states). But not from NSW, Qld or the ACT. Again, mightn't get details (including the permit application form) on the website tonight. There'll be quite a few details - I'll email them as soon as they're finalised.

If you were at the Ulverstone meeting last Friday, I undertook to get answers on a few curly questions about the biosecurity requirements for horse events. Given the above changes, most if not all of those answers are irrelevant now. Phew!!

I'll email more information as it comes to hand. And the EI information evening being organised for southerners at the Horseland store in Derwent Park is still going ahead on Wed 7 Nov at 7pm.

Barry Calderbank


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