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Wednesday, 28 November 2007

People biggest risk: Qld DPI

BRISBANE - People failing to follow the proper biosecurity measures presented the greatest risk of spreading equine influenza, Biosecurity Queensland's Chief Veterinary Officer, Dr Ron Glanville, said today.
Dr Glanville warned that the good work towards containing and eradicating EI could be jeopardised by people spreading the disease through failing to comply with the simple guidelines, which have been widely promoted by the Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries.

The guidelines include that persons who have contact with infected horses should avoid contact with other horses for a minimum of 24 hours.
During this time they must shower using soap and shampoo, change into clean, laundered clothes, ensure the soles of their work footwear are clean and decontaminated and launder the clothes worn when in contact with the horses.
It is also important, with school holiday fast approaching, that teachers and parents make sure children know that they can also play an important role in helping prevent the spread of flu.
Dr Glanville said vaccinations were proceeding this week with a strong focus on the performance and pleasure horse sector.
Dr Glanville said the main purpose of vaccination was to reduce the number of horses that become infected, thereby reducing the amount of virus shed, and the chance of further spread of disease.
"Over the past month, the rate of infection has slowed significantly, which confirms the success of our vaccination strategy and tight movement controls," he said.
"If they have not done so already, all horse owners in the performance and pleasure sector should complete a vaccination application form and send it to their nearest participating EI vaccination accredited private veterinarian."
A list of EI vaccination accredited private veterinarians and their fax numbers is available on the DPI and F website.
All owners of properties with horses are reminded that they must register on the DPI and F website. The weekly EI newsletter will be automatically emailed to all registrants.

For more information on equine influenza call 13 25 23 (8am-8pm).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here we go again Ron Glanville trying to point the finger at the non race horse people again telling them it is all up to them to stop EI spreading and we are the ones who will cause the problems, wake up to yourself Ron Glanville the race horse industry also have a part to play in stoping this EI to you know

28 November 2007 at 10:08 am  

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