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Monday, 12 November 2007

Qld Blood-Tests 700 As Horse Movement Begins

Queensland Racing announced it "has taken approximately 700 serological (blood) tests from thoroughbred racehorses in the Hendra & Deagon racing precincts to confirm their immunity to equine influenza", as approved movements of thoroughbred racehorses commenced on Friday. QR chief operations manager Malcolm Tuttle noted: "The purpose of the blood tests is to ensure all thoroughbred racehorses in the Hendra & Deagon precincts had come into contact with EI & as a result, developed the necessary level of immunity to the virus." Tuttle added: "All systems are go for the December 1 resumption of racing in South East Queensland & the blood testing of horses & the movement which occurs from now on, are vital steps to ensure that racing gets back on track."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a question..... Who pays for all of these blood tests to be done? If those race horses at Hendra etc are getting them done at no cost to the owners/trainers, will the rest of us horse owners get the same deal?

12 November 2007 at 11:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no doubt about it the DPI let the race horse industry do their own thing while the performance horse's sit and wait for and end to this sorry saga and the can't or wont even tell us when we can get going again

12 November 2007 at 11:06 am  
Blogger Phil said...

TO Recreatioal horse owner se Qld
You can bet your last dollar that no trainer/owner paid for a blood test but we performance horse owners will have to pay for every test at a inflated rate to cover the cost of the all important race horse tests

12 November 2007 at 4:11 pm  

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