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Friday, 9 November 2007

Tassie News


  • Still no suspect cases of EI in Tasmania


The broad policy for vaccination, including how it would be used in non-infected states, is being set nationally in consultation with the national horse industry organisations (ie the racing codes plus the Horse Industry Council). Still no news about Tasmania's request for vaccine. The Tasmanian Minister has had discussions with the local horse industry about the distribution of the vaccine if/when we get it. It's all a bit academic at this stage and will remain so until we get some decision at the national level about the vaccination policy and whether we'll be getting any. The fact that the federal government is now in "caretaker mode" because of the election isn't helping the speed of decision-making in Canberra!! Hopefully, we'll get some news from Canberra in the next few days. In the meantime, I've done an update on vaccination that'll be live on our website later today - a copy is attached. For the reasons outlined, it doesn't include the when/where/how of EI vaccination here in Tasmania.

The second batch of horses from interstate arrived on the Spirit this morning.

34 horses and reports from the wharf are that all went well - no horses turning up without permits, trucks very clean etc - and that means 63 horses have entered the state since the ban was partially lifted earlier this week. At this stage, there are around 30 horses with permits yet to arrive. The number of permit applications being lodged with us has fallen off substantially. Our permit people say "thanks" to the 90% of you that have good handwriting and to the other 10% - have you thought of printing instead??

Bringing a horse from King Island.

Horses moving from King Island to mainland Tasmania must currently tranship through Victoria due to shipping schedules. Consequently, anyone wanting to bring a horse into Tasmania must get a permit. There are special conditions if the horse is kept away from interstate horses while at the Victorian transit depot. If you are in this situation, please phone the disease control centre (6233 6875) to discuss.

Basic Biosecurity Tips for horse newbies.

Well before the EI outbreak, I did up a brochure aimed at people who are new to horses - it deals with very basic husbandry and welfare stuff. It's part of a hobby farmer series I did that also includes sheep, cattle, pigs, alpacas, goats and chooks. We've got a lot of people moving onto a few acres for the first time in their lives and the series is aimed primarily at them. The whole series is downloadable from our website - go to http://www.dpiw.tas.gov.au/inter.nsf/WebPages/MCAS-73U766?open . If you have a slow internet speed, it'd take forever. If you think the brochure would be useful for people you know, new members of your club etc and would like me to mail some to you, please let me know. I'm aware that a couple of people have used these brochures in a "midnight maildrop" into the letterbox of someone who ought to be looking after their animals better - good on you!

I'll see some of you at the Campbell Town meeting tomorrow (Saturday)

Barry Calderbank


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you say you do not know whne vaccines arrive when there is an email circulating stating that the harness group want a 4 week ban on horses coming in so that they have a chance to build up immunity from the vaccines that will be administered next week. Or does the right hand know what the left hand is doing??

9 November 2007 at 7:45 pm  

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