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Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Equine influenza daily update - 5 December 2007

We are making a high priority to get events running again without risk of further disease spread.

The national requirements for moving between zones have not yet been finalised. This delay is very frustrating for everyone. When available we will post the requirements on the website.

We expect that there will be substantial quarantine periods (2 to 3 weeks) required before movement is allowed back to a less infected zone. The quarantine periods will be longer for vaccinated horses than for previously recovered horses reflecting the better immunity of recovered horses.

Vaccinating in red, amber and green zones

The NSW DPI is currently working on a policy and procedure to vaccinate horses from outside the purple or buffer zones that need to go the purple zone for sales, competitions or relocation. In summary, owners will apply to their vet who sends the request form into the Industry Liaison section of the DPI.

DPI approves an allocation of vaccine which the vet obtains from a veterinary wholesaler. Vets will administer vaccine and microchip the horse. All this will be at owner expense. Request forms are expected to be on the DPI website next week.

Read more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come we have to pay for a vaccine thats been given to so many FREE OF CHARGE !!!!
We've done the RIGHT thing and maintained our zones "freedom of the virus" to help eradicate this virus so we WOULDN'T have to pay to vaccinate, now you tell us we will.
Maybe we would've been better off to have not been so diligent, as it seems now we are to be punished even more.
The government & DPI's treatment of us is crap, no other word for it.
There WILL BE a rally outside the NSW DPI head quarters in Orange in January 2008 to VOICE to the Minister (opposition minister will also be invited) and heads of the DPI etc, our real disgust for the total disregard to the pleasure horse industry and the costs being handed out to us. This treatment they are dishing out to us has to STOP.

6 December 2007 at 10:45 am  

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