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Monday, 14 January 2008

Follow up - Horse Stabbed

Horse's stomach torn by concrete block

A horse police believed to have been stabbed actually fell on a piece of concrete, a post-mortem has found.
The distraught owners called police after discovering their pet, a former race horse, with a stab wound to the stomach, in a paddock at Appin, on Sydney's south-western outskirts, at about 10pm yesterday.
"There are some other cuts on the horse but the single stab wound would appear to be the cause of death,'' Superintendent Bryan Doyle said.
However, police this afternoon issued a statement ruling out any suspicious circumstances.
Results from a post-mortem, conducted by a veterinarian this afternoon, indicate the horse sustained the stab wound as a result of falling over and striking a sharp piece of concrete.
"She was part of the family and now a 17-year-old and a 19-year-old have to deal with her death - it's just awful," said Caroline White, 46, the mother of the horse's owners, Samantha, 19, and her sister Courtney, 17.
Samantha and Courtney had fed and watered Kasey, a former racing mare who lived in a paddock behind their property with two other horses, Hoby and Charlie.
After feeding and watering the horses at 3.30pm yesterday the sisters had gone to visit their mother at her house in Bulli.
When the sisters returned with their partners, Courtney went outside and discovered the dead horse.
"When I got there Hoby was standing over her," Courtney said this morning.
"I just ran because I couldn't look at it.
"But when I just went back 10 minutes later, Hoby was just there, nudging her leg.
"I went into shock, I couldn't believe it, I didn't think anybody could do this to such a sweet animal."
Kasey had been owned by the sisters for five years and had only been moved to Courtney's Appin property about six months ago.
Caroline said that Samantha had worked long and hard with Kasey to make her into a family horse, making the mare's death even more distressing for the whole family.
"Kasey was a fiery horse, she was bred to go but Sam trained and worked with her and they got along so well," Caroline said.
"Kasey was like a dog, she used to play with Sam around, [so] it's heartbreaking. She had such a beautiful nature."


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