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Tuesday, 15 January 2008

Importation Of Karaka Yearlings From NZ To Aust

Following advice from the NSW Department Of primary Industries "with regard to the importation of horses from New Zealand into NSW", NZ Bloodstock advised prospective buyers for the upcoming Karaka Sales that "effective immediately, no horses are permitted to fly into Sydney airport (being in the Purple Zone) unless they have been fully vaccinated with the Protec Flu Vaccine. As a genetically-modified vaccine, the use of Protec Flu vaccine is not permitted in NZ & therefore it will not be possible for horses to be vaccinated with this in NZ. However, all horses from NZ may fly directly into Melbourne unvaccinated (for the same cost as flying into Sydney) & then be transported into NSW to a property designated as Green, Amber or Red where they can then be vaccinated." NZ Bloodstock also noted that: (i) travel permits are required, which will be obtained by NZB on behalf of buyers; (ii) there is no quarantine period required; & (iii) the only additional cost to owners will be the float trip to the property of their choice & the vaccination shots. Alternatively, for buyers not seeking to transport their horses to Australia immediately, horses can remain in NZ until travel restrictions are lifted by the DPI, "with many NZ vendors willing to assist purchasers in this regard"; NZB noted "horses can remain in NZ for up to 24 months without attracting GST (unless raced or on-sold in that period)". NZB also advised that it "will make all travel arrangements required on buyers' behalf, so buying horses at Karaka this year will be no different to previous years".


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