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Monday, 14 January 2008

NSW may get early EI-free declaration

Acting New South Wales Primary Industries Minister Verity Firth says the state could be clear of equine influenza (EI) three months earlier than expected.
Ms Firth says the last horse that tested positive for the virus was diagnosed in late December.

She says the state will be declared a green zone if there are no new cases by March.
"Fingers crossed, by mid-March, NSW will be able to be declared a green zone, which means no more equine influenza," she said.
"Having said that, a period of time after March will need to pass where there are no new infections, in order to ensure that equine influenza has been eradicated once and for all."
Meanwhile, horse owners in the purple zones in Tamworth are reminded that they will need to use a travelling horse statement for every horse movement from today.
All horse events will also have to be registered with the department.


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