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Thursday, 27 September 2007

Dear Mr McGauran

Dear Mr McGauran,

I know you are probably unindated with emails, but I wish to draw yourattention to the public blog on www.horsedeals.com.au. If you spentapprox 15mins you would soon see the outrage that is growing from nonrace horse owners who are not being supported or assisted in any way byanyone. There are even comments and storeys from noted AustralianOlympic riders who are frustrated as well.

My daughters riding coach and mount educator has an equestrian center onthe far north coast of NSW. She is struggling financially. She hasapplied for the assistance packages but has not received anything.

I am stuck in a situation that my daughters new horse as transported outof Sydney before the EI outbreak, it was planned and budgeted to payagistment at the equestrian centre while the horse adjusted to adifferent area and to give my daughter a chance to have intensiveinstruction on the new horse before we transported him the 45 minutes toour own property. We were about to take him home when the standstillcame into effect. I am now paying for longer agistment then 1st bugetedfor and he is being cared for beautifully but I am unable to claim anyassistance but I am out of pocket!

The media and the government only seem to be focused on the race horseindustry - a lot of other horse people are effected as well but arefeeling completely ignored and overlooked.

You are in a position to change the media and governments perception ofthe overall impact of EI on all horse owners and related services.

Thank you for you time,
Donna Barker


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