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Sunday, 30 September 2007

Definition of an Optimist

We are in Brookfield QLD- less than 500 metres from where the virus started
its merry run in our suburb courtesy of the wonderfully considerate people
who bolted from Morgan Park because they knew what was coming - and the
decisive chief DPI vet who didn't think it was serious enough to close the
Morgan Park gates. Anyway that's all water under the bridge and somehow we
have remained EI free. I have been championing the cause for vaccination
from day one - and where are we now - day 30 something and Tweedledee and
Tweedledum at the DPI continue to scratch their heads .

Once the first order of vaccinations was allocated, here in QLD, it was to
be 1. racehorses in the EI free areas - Gold Coast, Toowoomba and Sunshine
Coast, 2. Horses in the ever moving buffer zone (maybe it would help if all
DPI staff were to complete a basic 'Introduction to QLD Geographical areas'
course)- (That way their staff members wouldn't be issuing permits for
horse movements because they can't differentiate between the red and green
zones ) ........- anyway -3. The other horses to receive the first round of
vaccines were those horses on the various EFA squads.

As far as I know, the squad coordinators received the go ahead to contact
the various members sometime around lunchtime on Friday. Here it is now
Sunday night and the officiating vet has yet to be contacted by ANYONE in
the DPI hierarchy regarding this vaccine allocation. This is despite the
fact that ALL horses on NSW EFA Squads have now been issued with their
first jab. There is very strong evidence to suggest that in fact there will
not be enough vaccine to give these performance horses their first dose.
So they will have to wait until consignment 2 arrives at the end of the

This is only a horse owner's observations of events of the last couple of
days. It just so happens that I have four horses at home - two of which are
on squads. Lucky them .....maybe. I have vigilantly maintained total
lockdown and every other quarantine measure I could impose - buying feed
elsewhere (sorry) - not visiting any horses or their owners etc etc -
watched the wind blow, took temperatures until the horses ran away when they
saw the thermometer etc etc. For whatever reason , the virus moved past and
is steadfastly moving on.

So where are we now? Waiting first of all for the DPI to come up with the
vaccine .....but even if they do where does this leave my other two and
quite a few others around me who have been vigilant in imposing lockdown
and are still EI free after 5 weeks? Why shouldn't these horses also be
offered the vaccination?

It would seem that there is a culture within the DPI which are pushing the
'catch it sooner rather than later ' mantra. I don't know this for sure.
But realistically how else is this so called buffer zone idea going to
work? As mentioned earlier - my street was infected 5 weeks ago. My horses
are clear. So down the track when for whatever reason, they contract EI
because they have not been previously vaccinated, OR infected and the
standstill is lifted - and I inadvertently take the virus to Maryborough or
Glen Innes or Richmond - where are we then????

I am aware that many leading vets believe that we have to work towards
eradication at all costs. On the other hand there is a Federal Election
around the corner. AQIS is a federal body. The Government is responsible ,
and is therefore obliged to act in some way so that they can be seen to be
doing something. What's the bet that in the not too far distant future, the
white flag goes up and hello - compulsory vaccination.

Queenslanders - we have seen nothing but bumbling and buffoonery from the
so called Department of Primary Industries - we know that they are totally
understaffed - both in terms of numbers and knowledge. The State Government
couldn't give a rats - or didn't until someone gave Anna a dig and
suggested that there might be a few votes involved.

This tsunami like disaster requires a central highly organised body out in
front to avoid the horrendous ineptitudes the last few weeks have churned
out .

My heart goes out to everyone who is really doing it tough as a result of
this mess. I can only hope you apply for and get every cent from every govt
handout that you can. I honestly cannot see any realistic change to the
current lockdown (I was even pulled up by the cops with a load of feed on
board - they thought I had a horse behind the hay)while there are still
pockets of uninfected horses who at this stage will not be offered the
vaccine. Those of you filling out entries for Canberra and Sydney Royal
..............are we the definition of optimism???

I would welcome any feedback and thanks to HD for the opportunity to let it


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