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Friday, 21 September 2007

Purple Zone

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Equine Influenza – Zoning Plan FAQ’s

1. What obligations do farms inside the purple zone have in regards to biosecurity or quarantine (whether EI positive or not)?
A: If your horse has or you suspect your horse has EI, there is a legal obligation toreport it to the NSW Department of Primary Industries. There will be no quarantinedproperties within the purple zone. Movement onto properties will be dependent uponBiosecurity requirements of the recipient property. People cannot take or remove anyhorse or horse products out of the purple zone and they must disinfect themselves andanything that has been in contact with horses or horse products before they can leavethe purple zone. A disinfection order will be published on 21.9.07 that must becomplied with.

2. What window of time is available for horses from outside the purple zone to enter the purple zone?
A: You can enter the purple zone until the 19th October 2007.

3. What is the likely period that horses coming into the purple zone will have tostay there?
A: It may be several months, and not before the area is declared free from EI.

4. Will stallions at the Eastern Creek Quarantine Station (ECQS) be allowed to come into the purple zone upon release by AQIS? It is believed that AQIS is prepared to release these stallions early next week to overseas destinations and into the purple zone.
A: The movement of stallions from ECQS will be approved subject to passing a riskassessment and a relevant permit being granted.

5. Will interstate mares booked to NSW stallions be allowed to come into the purple zone?
A: Yes, subject to requirements from their states of origin. The interstate owners willhave to be made aware that these mares will be detained indefinitely in the purplezone.

6. How will permits for movement into the purple zone work? Will you advise the name and contact details of dedicated DPI officers to handle “into purple zone” permit applications? It is essential that rapid turn-around occurs between application time and issue of permit.
A: Normal permitting arrangements will apply and these will be handled by the LocalDisease Control Centre. The relevant contact details are: (02) 4640 6567/8 or Fax 024640 6241.

7. Will mares currently located in “restricted areas” outside the purple zone be able to enter the purple zone? How will they have to be transported? For example, will fillies currently located at Randwick Racecourse but bound for stud duties this season be able to enter the purple zone for mating?
A: Yes. Movement will be subject to an approved permit issued by the Department ofPrimary Industries. All transport must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected beforeleaving the property and zone. All permit conditions must be adhered to.

8. From what date will horses be able to move?
A: Movement into the purple zone, subject to the granting of a permit, will be able tocommence from Friday 21st September 2007.

9. There is a Government-approved quarantine station in NSW which holds in foal or foaling mares. These mares have come into this facility from overseas and are vaccinated against EI and other diseases. As a vaccinated secure facility, will mares from there be able to walk into purple zone studs for service and return to the quarantine facilities to remain under strictquarantine conditions (irrespective as to the whether they are in the purplezone or not)?
A: Walk in / walk out will not be permitted across a Restricted Area or Special Restricted Area Border. Movements will only be allowed subject to the relevant permits.

10. What will be the position on biosecurity and quarantine for farms outside the purple zone that are infected by EI if they want to move into the purple zone? (i.e can a horse move from an IP in the red zone in to the purple zone?)
A: Requests in relation to this type of movement will be allowed subject to obtaining the relevant permit. Before a horse can move from an infected property in the red zone to the purple zone it must have been tested negative with the EI PCR in the last 3 days and certified clinically normal by a veterinarian prior to movement. Applications for permits should be made to the Local Disease Control Centre on (02) 4640 6567/8 or Fax 02 4640 6241. This will only be allowed until 19 October.

11. What rules apply to EI-free farms outside the purple zone? Can they deal freely with each other?
A: EI-free farms outside the purple zone are subject to different movement restrictionsdepending on the type of zones they are in and where they wish to move to. Horse owners should contact the Local Disease Control Centre on (02) 4640 6567/8 for their specific obligations

12. Do the movement rules in the purple zone apply to all horse breeds or just thoroughbred?
A: The purple zone will apply to ALL BREEDS.

13. Will other activities such as racing, camp-drafting, sales, shows etc., be able to be conducted within the purple zone?
A: Approval for such activities are subject to restrictions under the zone plan. Organisers must contact the Local Disease Control Centre on (02) 4640 6567/8 for their specific obligations. A disinfection order will be published on 21.9.07 that must be complied with.

14. What will the biosecurity measures be at the border of the purple zone for those trucks exiting the zone after delivering horses?
A: All trucks leaving the zone will need to exit by defined points in a clean state. All trucks must be disinfected prior to leaving the purple zone. (refer to question 1) All costs for inspections / disinfections must be borne by the owner.

15. Will you clarify the biosecurity arrangements for any people moving out of the purple zone.
A: People cannot take or remove any horse or horse products out of the purple zoneand they must disinfect themselves and anything that has been in contact with horsesor horse products before they can leave the purple zone. A disinfection order will bepublished on 21.9.07 that must be complied with.

Veterinary Advice on Transport of Horses into or within the declared Purple Zone during the current Equine Influenzaoutbreak, endorsed by the President of Equine VeterinariansAustralia

Equine Influenza is a viral respiratory disease that has the potential to lead to serious life threatening secondary complications particularly if horses are subjected to stresses during the incubation and/or clinical phases of the infection. Most importantly, there is a significant risk of affected horses developing travel sickness (pleuropeumonia).

Veterinary Advice re transport of horses· Pregnant mares should not be transported during the last 4 weeks of gestation.· Horses exhibiting clinical signs of Equine Influenza (nasal discharge, cough, high temperature) should not be transported (stressed).· It is recommended individual horses’ temperatures be monitored (twice daily) for the 48 hour period prior to transport.· During the current EI outbreak , transport of foals with their dams for ‘walk on’ coverings should be considered in light of the temperament of the mare, the clinical condition of the foal and the length of the proposed journey. Consideration should be given to leaving foals at home.

Advice on long distance travel:· Twice daily temperature monitoring for 48 hours prior to travel and minimum 72 hours post travel.· Pre plan all long distance travel to ensure rest stops at a maximum of 4 hours intervals (this will require checking with the NSW DPI, the route planned and the EI zones that will be transited).If in any doubt as to the advisability of travelling your horses, please consult your local veterinary surgeon.


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