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Friday, 19 October 2007

EI Gratitude

I am a small Spanish horse stud in the lower south west of WA. In early August I purchased a palomino QH named Moet from lower Victoria. The day before he was due to be picked up Notable Horse Transport rang to say all horses were in lock down!

After some months Moet will finally arrive home to me this Sunday the 21st of Oct.

I would like to very sincerely thank the following people/organisations etc.

Firstly - HORSE DEALS - The only reliable site totally up to date with the latest information on the EI situation. A site also allowing the average equestrian to have their say and write their thoughts! Even extending advertising times etc .I have bought and will continue to buy every single edition each month. Not just for the horses but results, stockists ads and information on various subjects.

Secondly -NOTABLE HORSE TRANSPORT - All staff from the office to the drivers/horse handlers - especially to you - PRUE.

Service! Professionalism , dedication, care ,communication and concern. I had updates throughout Moet's journey re all the vet checks , quarantine stays, border checks , liver Fluke, ag dept regulation paper work ( which Prue and staff helped get in order and filled out!). Agistment and quarantine was all organised for me . I cannot highly recommend Notable Horse Transport enough.

I have used them several times now and will use no-one else. Moet had better than the best care and attention and was treated like one of their own. Greatly reducing stress.

Lastly Moet's previous owner Rebecca Scott, keeping Moet at no charge ,transportation etc and Kylie Morrow for continuing to exercise him.


I wish all other horsey people who are in a much worse situation than I was all the best of luck and speed to the end of the EI situation especially QLD and NSW.



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