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Thursday, 4 October 2007

Home Safe and Sound with Blair Richardson

Blair Richardson and his team of horses who were just one of the many victims of the Morgantown Lockdown are finally home safe and sound in Scone NSW.

Blair reported 'When we finally got the permit from the DPI, Chris Burton & I left in a convoy. We had to follow the route the DPI gave us which meant we travelled along a pot-holed dirt track which felt like 'out the back of bourke' for about 60's km's. It was a funny trip, you would hit a pot hole and everything would fall off the dash, it also meant it put an extra 200km's on the trip. At one stage we missed a turn and got a little lost but we finally made it home. 

The horses are all really well, they haven't lifted their heads since they have been in their paddocks, their temps are down over a degree lower than they were in Morgantown , - I think all of us are just relieved to have finally made it home!


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