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Friday, 9 November 2007


I am in the amber zone in NSW. My next door neighbour just called me to tell me that the local vet had been at his property which had been selected by the DPI for random blood testing, with a view to us being put into a green zone. The local vet tested 6 horses, he used the same needle to collect the 6 bloods, and did not scrub up before leaving the property. What hope have we got if the vets can't even observe basic hygiene procedure, let alone proper biosecurity having regard for the current situation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in a green zone and I know that there are some vets that aren't following the necessary procedures to eradicate this disease, but I can say that the vet that I use is very good indeed. He makes sure that he washes his hands and puts on a new set of overalls at each property and when he had to cross a main road to look at other horses of ours, on the same property he fully washed his boots, hands etc.
Some people are doing the right thing, I wish others would follow their leads..

9 November 2007 at 3:54 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Using the same needle"!!!! I definatly hope not. That is a good way to spread lots of other diseases not just EI.

9 November 2007 at 4:18 pm  

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