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Friday, 21 December 2007


At last, SSJC is set to resume in 2008 with a training day on Sunday 6th January 2008. Due to the EI epidemic, restrictions have been put in place to ensure this happens safely & successfully. Please read the following guidelines carefully.

· Only Purple Zone horses to attend. Check the DPI & EFA websites for details of zones and bio-security requirements.
· Strictly pre entries only! No entries on the day. Entries close Friday 28th Dec 08.
· All riders to be fully paid members of SSJC to ride. Membership renewal attached and must accompany entries.
· This is a training day format- not a competition day.
· Horses can do no more than 2 training round heights.
· Entry fee is a flat $15 per horse- (this covers the two rounds).
· 4 rings will be running. Ring 1- 60, 70, 80. Ring 2- 110, 120, 130. Ring 3- 80, 90, 1.00. Ring 4- 40, 60 , 80.
· Heights are approximate.
· A marshal will supervise a chalkboard draw at each arena gate. Please give them your full cooperation.
· Please use responsible judgement and do not bring any horse to the grounds that has not fully recovered from EI or that has not been vaccinated.
· If your horse is stabled at an address other than the one you have given on your Membership application please list this clearly.
· Entries and memberships for 2008 with full payments must be received by Friday 28th Dec 08.
Please post entries and memberships to: SSJC 2008 C/- Christine Johnson 44 Nelson Rd, Nelson, 2765 NSW

The club has organized to be part of the Department of Primary Industry Surveillance Program for the first 2 club days in January. A vet will be in attendance to take blood that will result in a certificate on the immunity of your horses. There will be no charge to you for the blood testing. There are many members that have horses that were infected and have not yet been tested to confirm their immunity. It is likely that some form of “passport” may be introduced for events in the future . You may have microchip identification implanted at a cost of only $18 per horse. Both the blood test and microchip are recommended by the Club. The club is required to provide to DPI a list of the horses attending in advance of the event. It is not compulsory to have this blood testing & micro chipping done, however this inexpensive way of having your horses tested will only be available for a short period. * Please fill out the attached Surveillance Program Form and return with your entries and membership form.

Please see attached the *entry form for the Training Day on 6th January and the *Membership renewal form. Entries will not be accepted
without membership renewals.

Entries for the competition day on Sunday 20th January will close on Friday 11th January. The program and entry form will be posted on the website in the next week. The latest SSJC Newsletter can also be downloaded from the website www.teamj.com.au

Sorry for all the paperwork, its what we have to do to get back in to action. Please be sure to complete all 3 (three) forms.
Looking forward to seeing everyone (from the Purple zone) back at SSJC.

Cheers - Chrissie

Christine Johnson
SSJC Publicity Officer
Website www.teamj.com.au
Mobile 0412 405079


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