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Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Tasmania Defers EI Vaccination Program

The Tasmanian Thoroughbred Racing Council has deferred plans to vaccinate the state's racing population until at least after the Summer Racing Carnival (which runs from January 27-February 27). However vaccination of yearlings to be sold at the 2008 Tasmanan Magic Millions Select Sale in February will proceed as planned. TTRC chief executive officer Rohan Mitchell explained: "The TTRC has communicated widely with industry participants & received advice both nationally & internationally from a wide range of participants & stakeholders. The TTRC in conjunction with the Australian Racing Board lobbied & secured vaccines on behalf of the industry in order to vaccinate the current racing population. Approval was obtained from the Department Of Primary Industries to use the vaccines on the basis of business risk mitigation that will require at least 85% of the thoroughbred population to be inoculated. Therefore in order to commence vaccination in Tasmania all trainers need to commit to the proposal. Voluntary or spasmodic vaccination in a relatively small number of thoroughbreds would not provide overall benefits to the Tasmanian thoroughbred racing industry & this would not comply with the DPI requirements to gain approval to vaccinate." Mitchell added if vaccination commenced in late December ,all horses would require their booster shots in the middle of the summer carnival, potentially impacting on their preparations." (Dec 19)


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