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Sunday, 6 January 2008

EI Quarantine - Read my lips!

Letter to Mr.Ian MacDonald, Primary Industries Minister,

On the question of the Equine Influenza and the enduring 'Lock up' of non-racehorses.

As you may be aware, the word QUARANTINE derives from the Italian wordQUARANTA, meaning FORTY. The Venetians were the first to device this method of isolating suspected infected people for a period of FORTY DAYS. Thus the word QUARANTINE.

Other than for the racing sector, horses have now been locked up for almost SIX MONTHS. This suggests an assumption that equine influenza has taken firm 'residence' in Australia.

Most horse owners vaccinate horses against fatal diseases such as Tetanus and Strangles at their discretion, ie owners choose to vaccinate or not. Equine Influenza is not generally fatal and not really very different from human influenza. Indeed, horses which catch EI acquire a natural immunity to the disease for 4 to 5 years. Vaccinated horse do not benefit in this way and become instead vaccination dependent! They can still carry and shed the EI virus, infecting other horses, even though they may not show symptoms of the disease. Therefore, the decision to vaccinate or not should best be left to individual horse owners.

Obviously, many commercial and race horse enterprises will choose to protect valuable livestock by vaccinating in order to avoid unexpected interruptions of breeding and racing schedules, etc.


Race horses are freely travelling back and forth. Special event horses are travelling back and forth. Do you really believe that strict 'quarantine' safeguards are being observed? As a seasoned politician you would not be so naive.

Let's cut this nonsense and deliver us, tens of thousands of ordinary non-commercial horse owners, from this unnecessary hardship.And we will be grateful next time round!

No doubt, some Vets are willing to prolong this nonsense in order to hang on to this nice new source of income for as long as possible, yessiree!!!!

Yours sincerely,
Natalie Raab


Blogger annie_j_128 said...

Your ignorance astounds me.

Equine Influenza IS different from human influenza.

The recovery period lasts for months, and the Flu can also result in horses contracting pneumonia or developing heart problems, both of which can be deadly. Equine flu can kill horses, particularly older horses and foals with more vulnerable immune systems.

It's time to stop moaning about the situation and start being responsible!

6 January 2008 at 2:20 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Methinks you need to check some facts Natalie. Natural immunity is certainly NOT going to reside in infected horses for the 4 to 5 years as you stated.

They have no idea, but best guess would be 10-12 months, at which time all previously infected horses will be at risk again. One can only hope that the morons running this eradication dream, realise this and allow people to start protecting their horses before they get hit again!

Why do you think the 'Proof of Immunity' certificate that will be required (along with micro-chipping) is only valid for 6 (SIX) months from date of issue??

6 January 2008 at 2:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, the original poster was correct - human influenza can in fact result in people contracting pneumonia, developing heart problems, it can result in a variety or secondary infections, and those affected can take months to recover - and it can kill elderly people, and babies with immature immune systems.

Pretty much the same really - low mortality but high morbidity, and it IS a serious disease.

6 January 2008 at 6:18 pm  

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