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Monday, 1 October 2007

Cruelty and Discrimination

I think you will find that discrimination and cruelty is illegal in this country .So there for the DPI and all the state governments are Guilty of both.Lets do something about it.They are treating the racing industry as they are be all and end all of life as we no it.JUST REMEMBER WE ALL VOTE not just the racing industry.Most of the people that own a race horse are not even horse people they would not know a horses head from its a_ _ _.

So lets get real here we are all getting screwed over in a very big way.PLEASE SOMEONE WITH A BRAIN TAKE CHARGE.I have the money to vaccinate my horses so why cant I ?.I thought money talks in this Industry.To all the state governments you are nothing but a pack of over paid _ _ _ holes.You have NO right to do this to people it is DISCRIMINATION that is ILLEGAL plain and simple you are GUILTY

To all the real horse people good luck with your horses and hang on the worst is yet to come.
A very very very upset real horse owner.



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