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Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Social impact of horse flu studied

More than 3000 people have taken part in a national online research project about the negative impacts of horse flu.
The survey is being run by the University of Western Sydney, which had its Hawkesbury campus forced into quarantine after the August outbreak of equine influenza.
Premlinary results are showing people have felt ostracised and alone in trying to deal with the virus.
Research psychologist, Dr Mel Taylor says the psychological impacts of horse flu have been far-reaching.
"What I'm finding that's particularly interesting from my point of view of course, is there are so many different ways this impacts people, from their direct and very basic concern for their animals, they're very dear to people, so you know, the impact that has on them, the concern that they can't protect them, but also I think there's the attitudes of those who haven't been affected in other parts of the country that there's the potential for that stigma to remain," she says.


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