Just thought you may like to know that one important result that was extracted (after a lot of procrastination) from our dearly beloved head Ministers and Vets etc. that were presiding over the meeting at Ipswich is:
$60 million has been allocated for the EI eradication, and $15 million has already been used.
When the funds are exhausted, it has been bandied around by Govt that all horse owners will have to register their horses and pay a $10 (one off) registration fee, I assume Australia wide, to compensate the Govt for their losses.
Ironic isn’t it when it was the Govt who allowed all this to happen in the first place by contracting out Eastern Creek to persons who were incompetent at their jobs.
"Part of the registration process will then lead to mandatory micro chipping, which will in turn lead to no chip, no movements. Basically the horse industry will be similar to NLIS cattle scheme".
PS Just a quick mention that I didn’t know until yesterday - the EI virus can stay alive on your nasal hairs for THREE DAYS not the one day that I was led to believe. I now use Tea Tree Oil on a cotton bud and wipe inside my nose and ears, after being out somewhere, besides washing hair, body and all clothing straight away and disinfecting car including tyres, door handles, steering wheel, blinker switch, gear stick and seats.
Janine the vet who was at Morgan Park for the whole duration said to me yesterday that it was the worst disease that she had ever seen and it totally amazes her why anyone would want to willingly infect their horse with the virus.
And just another note, secondary infection is caused by the silia (hairs in the trachea) being killed in the onset of the disease. Sometimes apparently they do grow back but once you have had EI you will probably have a consistent hacking cough each time you begin to work. She advised me to not work the horse for a good six months after infection to assist in their recovery.
Wonderful legacy isn’t it?